This week’s recap is written by Glee Chat co-host Roxanne Clark, who will be pulling double duty as she will also be on this week’s episode of Glee Chat! Check out what Roxanne had to say about this week’s episode of Glee!

This recap is written by Roxanne Clark. Follow her on Twitter at @RoxanneClark.

The episode begins with a lovely montage of the glee clubbers decked out in Valentine’s Day garb in a very decorated choir room. Mr. Shue informs them that the assignment of the week is to perform the world’s greatest love songs. The club needs to raise 250 dollars for costumes and hairspray (I recommend Aquanet! It’s the best for show choir and it smells great!). Shue proposes selling singing valentines for 10 dollars each.  When Shue suggests singing in every classroom Tina pipes up in protest reminding the club of how well Christmas caroling went last year. With the group not so hot on the telegram idea Sugar tells them not to sweat the small stuff and coughs up the cash. Sugar then tells everyone to look under their chairs for a yummy box of chocolates while she explains that Valentine’s Day is her favorite holiday therefore Sugar Daddy (her father) is throwing her a huge party at Breadstix which she is renaming the “Sugar Shack.” Everyone is invited – however you cannot show up to the party single. When it is brought to her attention that she herself is single she replies “Not for long.”

Sugar’s need for a date to her party sparks a feud among Artie and Rory for her affection. Artie claims that Sugar will not be into Rory because she cannot understand what he is saying while Rory insists that chicks dig accents (so true!). During Mike and Tina’s loving and adorable performance of “L.O.V.E” we see Artie and Rory trying to one-up one another while buying Sugar Valentine’s Day gifts, Rory even goes far enough to buy her a puppy! Throughout the episode both guys choose to do what they do best and sing to Sugar to win a date. Artie, with the help of his fellow glee guys, performs “Let Me Love You” which Sugar loves. After seeing Artie’s performance Rory know he has to step up his game so he tells everyone that his student visa request had been denied and that he is going to have to return to Ireland at the end of the school year. This leads into him singing a beautiful rendition of “Home” that in the end scores him the date with Sugar.

Meanwhile Rachel and Finn arrive in the auditorium where they are greeted and serenaded by Rachel’s dads Hiram (Jeff Goldblum) and Leroy Berry (Brian Stokes Mitchell). They both explain to the young couple that they are very happy for them and are excited to start planning their only daughter’s wedding. They also encourage the couple to be proud of their decision and shout it out to the world. The Berrys extend an invitation for Valentine’s Day dinner at their home to the Hudson-Hummels in an effort to get the family together. This encourages Finchel to finaly tell the glee club about their engagement. The club’s reaction is mixed. Puck even poses the question “When’s the baby’s due date?” We also find out that Kurt told both halves of Finchel’s parents about the engagement because he thinks it’s a huge mistake. In the end Rachel tells the club that only those who are supportive of them will be invited to the wedding, and the couple hopes that the negative Nancys change their minds. Dinner at the Berry’s with the Hudson-Hummels opens with Rachel’s dads singing “You’re The Top” (which I found very funny and ironic! listen to the lyrics!). After a lovely meal the Berry-Hudson-Hummels reverse psychology plot to break up the engagement is set into motion when the parents openly allows the young couple to partake in  teenage love-making. After witnessing Rachel’s night time routine they fight and much to the delight of Rachel’s dads their plan seems to be working.  However in the end the couple not only make up but they also move up the wedding date! Oops!

There is a new club a McKinley called the God Squad and members Sam, Mercedes, and Quinn are joined by a new character Joe Heart (played by Glee Project winner Samuel Larsen). Joe has been home-schooled his whole life and is described as a “Teen Jesus.” During the meeting Sam suggests since the glee club turned down singing valentines that the God Squad takes it over.

This was a great episode for Brittana fans! After an almost smooch in the hallway Figgins calls the ‘teen lesbians’ into the office where they find out a religious student complained about their PDA. Santana storms out exclaiming that all she wants to do is kiss her girlfriend but no one can see that because there is such an ‘insane double standard at this school.’ Santana tells Rachel she support her decision to be unhappy with Finn for the rest of her life. Later as Rachel and Santana are walking around during lunch the God Squad delivers a singing valentine to Rachel from Finn singing “Stereo Hearts.” When the performance is done Santana pays ten bucks and orders a valentine for her “girlfriend girlfriend” Brittany.  Being a religious club the God Squad doesn’t know how they feel about singing to gay people but that they try their best to love all people. Mercedes points out that they have to find out where they stand and that they do not want to make anyone do anything they are uncomfortable with. In the end the club decides that love is love and sings “Cherish/Cherish” to Brittany at the Sugar Shack.

Mercedes finally told Shane about her and Sam and explains that Shane was really upset. She tells Sam that she realizes what she did was wrong and that she feels awful about it. Instead of now being with Sam she decides that she has to face the truth when it comes to love and she does not know who she is but until she finds out she can’t be with anyone. This leads into a beautiful Whitteny Housten tribute with Merceds singing  “I Will Always Love You.” The scene is both touching and beautiful.

Kurt has been recieveing Valentine’s Day cards all week from “Secret Admiror” whom he presumes is Blaine trying to be romantic from his sick bed. However when Kurt goes to meet his admiror at Breadstix before Sugar’s party, he is surprised to find out his secret admrior is none other then Dave Karofsky in a gorilla suit with a box of chocolates and a card that reads “I think I love you.” Karofsky, reaching out and holding Kurt’s hand, explains that Kurt has helped him so much and that he has been wanting to tell Kurt ever since their talk at Scandles. Karofsky thinks that they should be together and wants to be honest about how he feels. Kurt says that he is proud of him for coming so far but he insists that he is with Blaine. Karofsky tells Kurt to enjoy his chocolates and when he goes to leave is confronted by ex-football teamate Nick who questions their “Valentines Day meeting.” Embarrassed and dejected, Karofsky storms out of Breadstix/Sugar Shack.

The very exciting episode closes out with Sugar announcing a suprise peformance from extra special guest who is back from the dead: Blaine! Fedora in tow, Blaine dedicates the song “Love Shack” to all the lovers in the room. I am glad Blaine was this episode because honeslty how can you have a Valentine’s Day episode without a little Klaine love? This scene is fun, cute and a great ending to a really exciting well-written episode.

At the end of the episode a title card with a tribute to Whitney Houston aired which read:

Whitney Houston
1963 – 2012
We Will Always Love You


We think this was one of the best episodes of Glee in quite some time. Did you like “Heart?”