There can be little doubt that Glee’s quality as a TV show has slipped as it’s season has progressed. But I never realized how much until now. Where has it all gone?

I think we can all agree that the performance of “Shake It Out” on this week’s episode of Glee (entitled “Choke”) was amazing. So when the episode was finished, I immediately went on YouTube to watch it again, but it hadn’t been uploaded yet. However, I did find the original “Shake It Out” by Florence & the Machine (aka my personal music Goddess) playing under a montage of Glee’s greatest moments (expertly assembled by, I presume, the video’s poster MusicalChaos05). And that is why I am writing this article.

Where is this show? Where has all the emotion gone? If I were a non-fan and I just happened to come across this video, I’d be queuing up a Glee-athon on the spot. It looks incredible. The cast look amazing. The emotion screams from the screen. But sadly, the show today does not deliver on all that this video promises. The scenes, as montaged here, make my gut twist with the emotion. Today, all the show does is make my stomach turn.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying last night’s Glee was bad, it was great, a diamond in the rough – but that’s the problem. There’s a lot of rough, muddy, monotonous, and messy. In short, what has happened to Glee? And who do we need to convince Ryan Murphy to fire to bring it back?

Season 4, come at me, bro.