We all know that bullying is a prevalent issue in today’s society. It is an issue that has been heavily addressed on Glee. In a new interview, Amber Riley discusses her anti-bullying campaign and how the show tackles such an important issue.

Riley had become a part of Secret’s Mean Stinks anti-bullying program when she realised how many people identified with her character on Glee.

“I wanted to get involved because my character on ‘Glee’ always gets so many letters from young girls, and I’m always asked for advice on tough issues… I can now give more information on how to help so it was really exciting for me. You know, I am just trying to do my part, and do my duty and help young women.”

Has Riley actually been bullied herself? The answer is, thankfully, no.

“I have dealt with bullying, I’ve been around it. I had a friend in high school who actually was a bully and I separated myself from her because I didn’t want to be associated with that and I didn’t want people to think that I was that way. It’s not in my nature to be mean.”

In regards to the portrayal of bullying on Glee, the actress said:

“It is still a big issue in the US and I know that was a big reason that the show wanted to tackle it, because it’s something that is very prevalent in high school… There are a lot of fights in high school and everyone wants to be the “top dog” and sometimes they don’t know how to be themselves. They have to belittle and put other people down. I think the Glee Club gets bullied, period!”

Riley hopes that kids will open their eyes up to one particular message.

“I’m hoping that girls are informed and educated, I’m hoping that it becomes a conversation in girls’ circles amongst their friends, and people open their eyes that it’s not cool, and mean really does stink… It’s not cool to be mean.”
