Seen the preview but need to get even more excited for next week’s all-new Glee?

TV Line has some very light spoilers that should get you pumped AND confirm the 3×03 song list we first shared yesterday !

From the report:

Here’s the sitch: The word around McKinley is that next week’s episode, “Asian F,” is destined to be inducted into the Glee Hall of Fame, right alongside such celebrated installments as Season 1′s “Wheels” and Season 2′s “Grilled Cheesus.” The Ian Brennan-penned hour centers on the long-simmering rivalry between Rachel and Mercedes (they’re competing for the lead in West Side Story), marks the arrival of Mike’s parents, and features music from Fame, Dreamgirls and (wait for it) Coldplay. Stay close to my Twitter feed Wednesday for more details on the episode.

Click here to see the list of songs in 3×03 (we should be getting previews this Friday) and see a trailer for the episode at this link!

Be sure to discuss last night’s episode right here.