Girls season 4 wraps up this Sunday on HBO. Look back at what we learned over the last nine episodes.

With Girls season 4 nearly over, let’s look back at the lessons this season taught us. From break-ups, to make-ups, original songs, to art show galleries, Iowa, to New York, viewers have certainly taken a lot in this season.

Be the change you want to see

Ray Ploshansky’s run for Community Board taught us that if you want to see change, sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands. After wining the Community Board, Ray hears Marnie’s less than thrilling news that she is newly engaged to Desi. But making lemonade from the nearly rotten lemons life threw him, Ray made a promise to always be there for Marnie as a dear friend and compatriot should things head south. Well, he sort of made this promise to the community at the same time, but she caught his drift.

Sometimes you have to grow up

If Hannah Horvath taught us anything in Girls season 4, it is that there is a right time to act like a child, but at some point you have to grow up. After going back to college for a stint, partying with the undergrads seemed to teach her that she may just be too mature to live that life.

But once she entered the working world as a substitute teacher, Hannah may have given into her youthful inclinations more than is acceptable. There is a time and place to chat with friends, but when those friends are your students and 10 years your junior, perhaps it is time to observe some boundaries.

Look beneath the surface

Jessa was drawn to Ace because of the sad puppy eyes he had longing for Mimi Rose. Adam was drawn to Mimi Rose because she was, on the surface, a lot different than Hannah. And Hannah, well Hannah was drawn to Iowa because it is where she believed the best writers passed through.

Once she got there, however, the seeded underbelly of middle-America unleashed her hypercritical classmates to eat away at her confidence as a writer. Going back to school is not for everyone, no matter how appealing it may seem. Just like breaking up two lovers to start a new relationship with one of them works best in one’s head. We’re looking at you, Jessa.

It’s never too late to live your best life

Perhaps the obvious person teaching us this lesson is Hannah’s father, Tad. His years hiding in the closet are over, and a new beginning, with some help from Elijah, is dawning as he comes out as a proud gay man. But there are others across the series who are taking this advice to heart. Adam and Jessa removed themselves from crumby relationships. Shoshanna is helping out Ray and making progress with her new beau. Marnie and Desi are taking their issues and putting them off into the future as they focus on making the most of their love.

Watch Girls season 4, episode 10, “Home Birth,” Sunday, March 22 at 9:00 p.m. ET on HBO.