Hannah and Adam are done, or so it would seem, for Girls season 4. Here are five reasons why we think this is a good move.

Girls cycled through the revolving breakup door game this past week after Hannah returned to New York to find Adam moved on without actually letting her know. Maybe it is high time that Hannah got away from Adam for good.

Here are five reasons it is time for Hannah to move on from Adam.


1. Hannah can work on her friendship with Jessa and Shoshanna

Hannah and Jessa have a more glaring problem in their friendship at the moment. Prior to Hannah’s move to Iowa, Jessa remarked that it was Hannah’s idea for her to return to New York. With Hannah up and out of the picture, Jessa took it into her own hands to set Adam and Mimi Rose up. If their first encounter is any indication of how they will proceed they should meet wearing protective gear.

But what about Shoshanna? Hannah and Shosh are the friends who come when they are called, but their own problems will always get more attention than the others. We’d love to see Hannah and Shosh reach another moment of Shoshanna explosion. Now that we think about it, Hannah has a tendency to bring out this behavior in people.


2. Adam gets his own story

Adam is not going away anytime soon. Regardless of whether or not he is dating Hannah, the character, much like Ray, has become a part of the Girls canon. Viewers did not get too much of a glimpse at his life while Hannah was away, aside from a minor arrest with Jessa. Even if it is with Mimi Rose, giving Adam his own space without Hannah will be refreshing.


3. Hannah can focus on convincing Marnie to ditch Desi

If Hannah cannot think about what she is doing in her own life, perhaps it is high time for someone to shake Marnie from her delusions that Desi is the be all end all for her life. Marnie is satisfied that her life seems to be falling into place that she is ignoring the signs that Desi is not the perfect for her. Ray’s pep talk, and pep sex, handed Marnie reality on a silver platter. Perhaps Hannah will have a better shot at bursting the Marnie’s World bubble.


4. Hannah finds something she loves to do as much as writing

After two paying writing gigs and grad school failed, it may be time for Hannah to dabble in a different career path. We are not talking about returning to Ray’s coffee shop or working at a child’s clothing store, but perhaps Hannah’s true calling is somewhere else. Remember the GQ snack room nightmare way back last season? All of those writers worked in the dark or abandoned their medals and certificates to serve the man. That moment gave Hannah the push to pursue her writing full time. But putting the focus entirely on her writing made her fail even more than she imagined. Regardless of what she chooses to do to pay the bills, Hannah will probably still get a job before Shoshanna.


5. It will give her something to write about

Sure, another story about a girl who fell to hard to an emotionally unavailable boy. But if Hannah can convince a world of editors to take on the first half of her life story, why can’t she do the same for this new adventure? There is no denying the merits of Hannah’s writing even if we have not seen or heard it. She was accepted to the Iowa Writer’s Workshop, her manuscript was picked up, she has established a name for herself in many small circles. Even if she decides to follow her father’s advise and press pause on the writing for now, the material for a new and exciting chapter is piling up in the background.

Watch Girls season 4, episode 6, “Close Up,” Sunday, February 22 at 9:00 p.m. ET on HBO.