Earlier this year Disney Channel unfortunately canceled the Boy Meets World spinoff Girl Meets World. Season 4 seemed lost forever — until now.

While there was a chance that the show would be sold to another network, creator Michael Jacobs revealed yesterday that he couldn’t find a channel to pick it up.

On Thursday, he gave fans a treat: What Girl Meets World season 4 would’ve looked like had the show not been canceled.

“Season 4 would’ve shown that what Drew Farkle, Lucas and Zay to Riley and Maya was the deep friendship and respect they had for each other,” he tweeted. “And their relationship was the guide in how to meet the world. Especially our current world. Because to find love, friendship and respect must be at the center of it. Cory and Topanga always knew that.”

“So, as you all meet this world, we wish you friendship, respect and love. Oh, and Auggie and Ava were forever.”

“All of us at BMW and GMW have loved bringing you these stories,” he added. “We hope we have taught you to dream, try and do good. Class dismissed.”