The news of Gilmore Girls returning with a new season is literally a dream come true for millions.

There’s no denying it: This is huge. Many consider Gilmore Girls one of their all-time favorite shows, so Netflix reviving the series with four new 90-minute episodes is a big deal.

We asked our readers to screenshot the text convos they had with their fellow Gilmore Girls-obsessed friends upon learning the news, and we weren’t disappointed by the results. People lost their minds.


360 minutes of ‘Gilmore Girls’ goodness!!!!


AHHHHHHHH Real Gilmore Girls

EVERYTHING is happening

Gasping and crying


omg omg omg


Even mom is crying!

We bet you and your friends had a similar reaction, didn’t you?

Thanks to SarasEpicDetour, Mkilpatrick123, Kimberpower, Mtaucoin, Rachaellowa__, SachaFisher, MovieTelevision, BriannaOhara, and Mikaelamalanga for sharing their moments with us.