Find your way with this week’s Geek Gifts using a His Dark Materials brooch and a Finding Dory badge holder.

Geek Gifts is a weekly feature article written by Donya Abramo and Karen Rought. With every installment, the duo picks out a fandom-related item they’ve recently come across and describes it in loving detail. There are no product placements here. We only talk about items we’re excited to share with the rest of the world.

Your Geek Gifts come in a variety of ways, be it jewelry, clothing, games, or something else entirely. We strive to remain unbiased, and we plan on constantly expanding our own horizons as we search for new and interesting pieces. The only requirement is that it must give us the burning need to open our wallets and throw money at its creator.

I’m pretty certain I’m still shaking with excitement over the upcoming BBC adaption of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series. Sure, we don’t know much more about it, other than it’s actually happening, but it can’t be worse that The Golden Compass. Right?

In the BBC we trust.

So, for Geek Gifts this week, there was only one thing I could do — and that was to choose an item inspired by the series that shaped by childhood just as much as Harry Potter.

Easier said than done! Merchandise, even fan created, is few and far between for His Dark Materials, but I struck gold when I stumbled across this gorgeous brooch.

Designed to look like the Alethiometer, it features incredible detail, and would be the perfect adornment for any fan. It’s only available for pre-order right now, but it certainly looks worth the wait. I can’t wait to pick up one of my own, and wear it proudly on my winter jacket!

Price: $6.21 | Hannah Hitchman

It’s been 13 long years, but we’ll finally be going back to visit Marlin, Nemo, and, of course, Dory. The Finding Dory teaser trailer landed online yesterday, and even though it didn’t give too much away, it was enough to make me even more excited for the sequel. Sequels don’t always have the best track record, but everything we’ve heard up to this point gives us hope.

I found this awesome badge holder within a few clicks on Etsy, and I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate to represent this week’s Geek Gifts.

Dory’s habit of forgetting simple facts makes this badge holder hilariously unironic. If you’re having a Dory moment, just look down and you’ll never forget the necessary information you need for work. Like your job title. Or your name.

Better yet, the badge is on a reel (badum tschh) so you’ll never lose it either.

Since you can’t go to work in your fluffy Nemo snuggie, you might as well show your Disney pride this way.

Price: $13.00 | Zippered Heart

Which new property are you most excited for, ‘His Dark Materials’ or ‘Finding Dory’?

Check out last week’s Geek Gifts: A Constantine figurine and a Brave chain mail bracelet