This week’s Geek Gifts is all about defense. Channel the ferocity of Hufflepuff’s badger or grab your stele and stave off some Shadowhunters demons.

Whether you like to wear your fan pride on your sleeve, or you like something a little more subtle, Geek Gifts has plenty of options for you. Suggestions are always welcome, so leave your favorites in the comments below!

Geek Gifts is a weekly feature article written by Donya Abramo and Karen Rought. With every installment, the duo picks out a fandom-related item they’ve recently come across and describes it in loving detail. There are no product placements here. We only talk about items we’re excited to share with the rest of the world.

Your Geek Gifts come in a variety of ways, be it jewelry, clothing, games, or something else entirely. We strive to remain unbiased, and we plan on constantly expanding our own horizons as we search for new and interesting pieces. The only requirement is that it must give us the burning need to open our wallets and throw money at its creator.

For those of you that follow my personal Twitter or Instagram account, you already know that I had the unparalleled joy of heading to the Harry Potter studio tour at Leavesden over the weekend. This is only the second time I’ve gone on the tour — despite living barely an hour away — and so much has changed since that first magical trip.

There were new displays, they expanded their Butterbeer selection to include ice-cream — which is so much nicer than the drink — and, of course, the actual Hogwarts Express. Turning the corner on Platform 9 and 3/4s and seeing the train for the first time brought me to tears. As did the preserved carriages with props from various movies in the franchise. All in all it was an emotional experience, as any Potter fan can imagine.

What isn’t always so great for me, however, is the gift shop. As a former hatstall, but a now-contented Huffepuff, there’s not much merchandise nestled between all of the reds-and-greens of Gryffindor and Slytherin. Even Ravenclaw had more varied items this time around, which made my yellow-and-black striped heart very sad. There was a Quidditch banner I fell in love with upon seeing it, but it came in every house flavor except for Hufflepuff. Here’s hoping that might change after Fantastic Beasts

There was only one place to go as soon as I got home from that ordeal, and that was Etsy — and it certainly didn’t let me down. This banner isn’t exactly like the one I came across at the studio tour shop, but I think I love it even more. It’s just the right amount of badger pride, but is also subtle enough that it’ll even look cool to unsuspecting muggles. Though I can’t say I’m surprised that I managed to dig up something to suit my needs — Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders, after all.

Price: $7.43 | This Shop Really Rocks

Shadowhunters just premiered on ABC Family Freeform, and though fans are still deciding how they feel about it, there’s no question that the Mortal Instruments series by Cassie Clare certainly has plenty of devoted followers.

One of the coolest aspects of the Shadowhunters’ world is that they use runes to give them certain abilities. Those runes are drawn with a stele, and what better way to show your devotion to this series than to have your very own?

I found a shop on Etsy that has plenty of options for steles (and wands!), but this one caught my eye right off the bat. I love the blue and copper together, and the detailed leaf design is incredibly beautiful. It looks strong and delicate at the same time, and reminds me a bit of Clary’s red hair.

The stele is made of wood and clay, and it’s hand painted. Each one is unique, and it’s clear the owner is a fan of the books, so you can rest assured it’ll be as authentic as possible. Great to display on a shelf or to use in a cosplay!

Price: $15.00 | Dynamicalley

Will you be hanging up your Hufflepuff pride or drawing your dedication to The Mortal Instruments?

Check out the previous Geek Gifts: A Shannara Chronicles box and Sherlock coasters