Game of Thrones just transformed into a completely different show thanks to this hilarious lip-reading spoof video. Welcome to Medieval Land Fun-Time World!

What happens when a couple of lip-reading geniuses decide to mute Game of Thrones and re-imagine the plot based on what it looks like the characters are saying?

Find out in A bad lip-reading of Game of Thrones: Medieval Land Fun-Time World.

This video has been making its way around the internet, amusing Game of Thrones fans with its eerie accuracy (yet total and utter wrong-ness).

Prepare to watch Ned Stark open an medieval theme park with the help of his unlikely allies Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen and Robert Baratheon – and don’t forget Joffrey, Sansa and the rest of the merry gang:

Want more? Of course you do! Luckily, there’s also a video with extended and deleted scenes, which is just as funny as the original:

We wish there was a version of Game of Thrones as light-hearted and fun as this! It would be a nice way to counteract the lingering sadness we still feel whenever we think about the Red Wedding.

Game of Thrones season 4 will return spring 2014.

What are your favourite fan-made viral ‘Game of Thrones’ videos?