Richard Madden reflects on last night’s Game of Thrones development for Robb Stark, and in a video interview looks ahead to season 3 (beware of spoilers).

Speaking to Access Hollywood, Madden talks about what led Robb to let Tulisa in, and how he still needs his mother even after her betrayal:

He needs [Catelyn’s] counsel and I think that’s even harder, because in a world where you can’t trust anyone, she was the one woman he could and she’s betrayed him. So I think Tulisa steps into that role, not so much as his advisor or anything like that, but someone that hasn’t betrayed him yet, hasn’t destroyed any part of him. If anything, [she] has helped him work out who he is more and her doing that has been as useful as his mother’s counsel all this time… helping him become a man and Tulisa’s there and treats him like one. But, he’s had to work and earn it with her. And so, I think it’s very difficult at that time for him and his mother.

He also previews how this change in dynamics will affect Robb going forward:

He’s done with trying to do everything right all the time, and even when he is trying to do things right, he gets betrayed by his mother, whose been the one to tell him, ‘You need to do this, and do that,’ and by the end of this season, he’s left in a place where he’s like, ‘How can I trust your advice? How can I take your counsel, when you’ve done something so stupid that you could’ve screwed up this whole war for us?’

In a video interview with MTV (only available to watch within the US), Madden talks about reading the second book and why he’s waiting to read A Storm of Swords:

In the interview, Madden says:

I know what happens to him, I know where he goes. It’s quite different because obviously in the second book, Robb’s not in it,I’m in the TV show but I’m not in it!’ [But] then luckily, David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss] have brought in my story line and brought it to life, which is really great because we get so see bits that you didn’t get to see in the book. Hopefully when we get to season three, we’ve really set up these relationships. I’m keen to see how the dynamic between the two women in Robb’s life plays out going into season three.

Are you happy with how Robb has been portrayed in the second season of Game of Thrones?