Game of Thrones‘ Michelle Fairley talks in a new interview about Catelyn’s journey in season 2, what troubles she’ll be facing and why she trusts Brienne.

Speaking to TV Guide, Fairley explains where Catelyn’s head is at in this season:

Robb is the only one that she has any sort of communication with at this time, and she doesn’t know where [her other children] are. Her whole drive for the second season is to get her family back together and then protect them as much as she can.

On her relationship with Brienne, she says:

I actually think that she sees a very young Arya in Brienne, a girl who isn’t a girly-girl who wants to get out there and fight. She sees a warrior in there. That’s exactly what her daughter wants to do. It’s just another manifestation of her daughter, and she recognizes that. And she is a woman of her word as well. And Brienne showed courage, strength, commitment, and honor, which is very important to Catelyn as well.

Read the full interview with Fairley at TV Guide.