It may be summer, but new stills from the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere have us in a very wintery mood!

Some of the new stills from “Dragonstone” reframe other scenes spied in earlier images, but the stills also reveal characters we’ve been missing. (Hi, Meera!)

Tantalizingly, all of the action appears to be focused on Westeros, as the story of Game of Thrones begins to contract to its final point.

Down in Kings Landing, some poor fellow slaves away, painting a massive map of the Seven Kingdoms. Cersei soon takes advantage of this thematic decor, and drinks more wine.

On the blustery island of Dragonstone, ancestral seat of House Targaryan, Daenerys explores her first glimpse of Westeros. Will she like her new digs, or try and redecorate before conquering the rest of the continent?

Elsewhere in the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere, Lyanna Mormont savors her new role as fandom fave (and kingmaker) at Winterfell. And as Brienne and Pod keep their skills sharp, a visitor arrives at Castle Black.

(Hi, Meera!)

Left a mystery in the stills from “Dragonstone” are the Stark family. Has Meera left Bran all alone beyond the Wall? Will Sansa confront Jon over his all-too-easy election to King in the North? Where is Arya — and will she even look like Arya when we meet her?

Luckily, earlier stills give us a few hints. But the synopsis for the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere is equally mysterious, leaving fans even more tantalized than ever for the return of Winter.

“Jon organizes the defense of the North,” HBO says, while “Cersei tries to even the odds. Daenerys comes home.”

The Game of Thrones season 7 premiere, “Dragonstone,” airs on Sunday, July 16 on HBO.