Dark answers begat darker questions on Game of Thrones season 4, episode 4. Check out our recap, and share your thoughts on “Oathkeeper.”

Here’s what happened on Game of Thrones season 4, episode 4, titled “Oathkeeper.”


After studying the Common Tongue with Missandei, Grey Worm sneaks into Meereen to speak to the slaves. The slaves are debating the wisdom of joining Daenerys’ cause; Grey Worm tells them his story, and speaks of the sweetness of freedom.

The slaves point out that they are unarmed and untrained, but Grey Worm has brought weapons, and points out that they outnumber the masters.

“If you want your freedom, you must take it,” he says, and the revolt begins.


In the aftermath of the rebellion, a smiling Dany walks over the discarded collars of the Meereenese slaves – they call her Mhysa, “Mother,” in Valyrian.

Though Barristan councils mercy, Dany declares that she will work for justice. She selects 163 masters to be crucified along the road, as the slave children were, and covers the Harpy with the Targaryen standard.

O brother, where art thou

Jaime and Bronn train. Bronn thinks Tyrion is innocent of Joffrey’s death, as murder isn’t his style. Jaime has not been to see Tyrion yet; Bronn says that he was Tyrion’s second choice to fight for him – Jaime was first.

Jaime goes to visit Tyrion in his cell. Jaime admits that Cersei did ask him to kill Tyrion. Jaime says he can’t free Tyrion, because he’s The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Tyrion is frustrated, and Jaime mentions that Cersei is offering a knighthood for Sansa’s head. Jaime thinks she may have been responsible, but Tyrion thinks it’s impossible.

Whodunit, part I

On their ship, Littlefinger tells Sansa that he is marrying Lysa Arryn, and they are bound for the Vale. Sansa thinks that Littlefinger killed Joffrey, and is certain that Tyrion is innocent.

Littlefinger admits that Sansa is right, but though Tyrion was not involved, she was. The necklace from Dontos/Littlefinger contained the poison which killed Joffrey. Sansa is incredulous – why in seven hells would Littlefinger take such a risk against the Lannisters?

“I’d risk everything to get what I want,” he says. And he wants everything. (Well, you know, shoot for the moon and all that jazz.)

Joffrey had to go, because Littlefinger traded in his friendship with the Lannisters for new friends. And those friends very much wanted Joffrey dead.

Whodunit, part II

Coincidentally, Lady Olenna tells Margaery that she is leaving King’s Landing. For some reason, she doesn’t want to stick around for Tyrion’s trial.

Olenna advises Margaery to get her hooks into Tommen, and stuns Margaery by admiting that Tyrion really is innocent – and Olenna is… less so. “Do you think I would have let you marry Joffrey?” the Queen of Thorns asks.


Jon gives members of the Night’s Watch a course in How to Fight Against Wildlings. Roose Bolton’s goon Locke is among the recruits. Alliser Thorne ruins the mood by telling Jon to get back to being a steward. “Mormont’s not here to protect you now,” he growls.

Janos Slynt observes that people like Jon, not Thorne. He suggests Thorne let Jon lead the ranging to Craster’s, so he’ll die before the next election for Lord Commander.

Locke introduces himself to Jon, feeding him a story about being sent to the Wall for stealing food for his children.

Love hurts

Jaime comes in to see Cersei, who is drunk. He admits that Catelyn Stark freed him because he swore to send her daughters home. Cersei asks him if he will hunt down and kill Sansa if she asks. But really, she is furious that Jaime went to see Tyrion. (And… probably because he raped her last week.)

Jaime thinks Tyrion is innocent, but Cersei says, “He’d kill us all if he could.” She orders four men at Tommen’s door, and dismisses the Lord Commander.


Tommen wakes up to find Margaery sneaking into his room. “Word has it, I’m to be your bride,” she purrs. She proposes they get to know each other, and keep it a secret from Cersei. Tommen’s cat, Ser Pounce, arrives, and she asks him if she can visit again.

“Our little secret,” she says, and kisses him on the forehead.

Promises to keep

Jaime gives Brienne his Valyrian steel sword made from Ice. “You’ll use it to defend Ned Stark’s daughter,” he says. He is sending Brienne to find Sansa and keep her safe. Jaime also reveals the new set of armor he had made for Brienne. “I’ll find her for Lady Catelyn… and for you,” she promises.

Slightly less welcome is Jaime’s assignment of Podrick Payne as a squire to Brienne, but Pod is so adorable, we think Brienne will warm up soon enough.

Before she leaves, Brienne names the sword Oathkeeper, the irony of which is not lost on Jaime. He watches as she and Pod ride away, looking lost.

Follow the leader

At the Wall, Sam frets about Gilly’s safety at Molestown. Jon sympathizes, but tells him to stay at Castle Black. Jon himself is worried about Bran beyond the Wall, as he may be near Craster’s Keep.

Alliser Thorne tells Jon that he can go to Craster’s Keep, but with volunteers only. Jon makes his case to the brothers, pointing out how Lord Commander Mormont was murdered by the Black Brothers. Grenn and Dolorus Edd stand to join, and slowly, several other brothers – including Locke – stand as well.

Dark night of the soul

Craster’s Keep is now being run by Karl, who delights in drinking wine from Mormont’s skull and raping Craster’s daughter-wives.

He sucks, basically.

A wife comes in with Craster’s last son. “A gift to the gods,” the women chorus. The woman says Craster offered the boys to the Walkers, and Karl sends Rast to leave the baby in the snow. The child cries into the darkness

On his way back, Rast taunts Ghost, who is locked away in a small pen, and this hurts.


In the woods, Bran, Meera, Jojen, and Hodor hear the baby’s cries. Bran wargs off into Summer to to find the child. He spots Ghost, and then falls into a trap. Bran wakes up in despair.

In the morning, the group spy on the Keep. Meera attempts a rescue, but they are all captured by the traitorous former brothers.

As the men torment poor Hodor, Karl questions Bran and the Reeds. As the tension rises, Jojen falls down in a green dream fit, and Bran confesses his identity.

Basically, this is all very bad.


A skeletal White Walker rides a dead horse through the barren landscape, cradling Craster’s son. He brings the baby to an icy stonehenge and leaves it; another figure approaches. Clothed in black, deathly pale, and blue eyed – but still in possession of most of his skin – the maybe-White Walker touches the child’s face with a strange finger… and the eyes of Craster’s son turn an icy, swirling blue.

What did you think of tonight’s wild episode of ‘Game of Thrones’?