Well, that happened. Check out our reactions to this week’s episode of Game of Thrones and let us know what you thought!

This week’s episode of Game of Thrones was heavily centered on just a few characters, and rightly so. The wedding, known to fans as The Purple Wedding, brought us some entertainment and joy as it progressed. Check out our reactions to the episode and let us know what you thought in the comments below!

Girl running away from Ramsay and getting ripped apart

Jaime training with his left hand

Theon shaving Ramsay and reacting to Robb’s death

Joffrey saying thank you to Tyrion for the book

Then slicing the book in half

Tyrion breaking up with Shae

“For the night is dark and full of terrors”

Cersei asking Brienne if she loved Jaime

Cersei telling Maester Pycelle the leftovers will go to the dogs

Joffrey getting dwarves to replay the battles of the dead

Tyrion being sassy with Joffrey

Joffrey choking


Related: The Internet reacts to Joffrey’s death

All of these GIFs are sourced from Tumblr and are from this writer’s personal collection from over three years. If you find a GIF you’ve made, email him and we’ll credit appropriately.