The Game of Thrones showrunners have been nominated for an Emmy Award for their season 3 episode “The Rains of Castamere.” See what they have to say!

Game of Thrones received a staggering 17 Emmy Award nominations for 2013, and one of them was Outstanding Writing for the season 3, episode 9 episode “The Rains of Castamere.”

The episode, penned by showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, brought to life one of the most iconic sequences from the A Song of Ice and Fire saga: the Red Wedding, where Robb and Catelyn Stark were butchered by Walder Frey’s men.

Variety has a short new interview out with Benioff and Weiss, where they talk about how they achieved the same epic feel as George R.R. Martin brought to the moment in A Storm of Swords.

They explain that, “Misdirection was our chief ally” when trying to set the same trap as Martin did in the novel.In the book, “you never see the slaughter coming, but when you reread the chapter, all the clues are there and you curse yourself for being blind to them.”

When the episode opens, it seems like Robb is beginning a new chapter of his story arc, as opposed to facing his end. The creators explain, “It was critical that the audience sees that Robb and Cat believed they had a future before it’s brutally taken away from them.”

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As for the scene itself, “We wanted Walder to humiliate Robb, but leave some room for reconciliation. In this regard, we hoped that humor would help mask the coming savagery.”

Do you think the Red Wedding was as effective on screen as it was when reading A Storm of Swords?

Game of Thrones season 4 premieres spring 2014. We’ve already got the complete list of directors, which reveals that Weiss and Benioff will take on the first episode of the season.