HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel, currently titled The Long Night, may not feature one of Westeros’ most infamous families, the Targaryens.

With the final season of Game of Thrones looming, we’ve all been trying to quell the incoming show-ending blues with excitement over HBO’s Thrones prequel, The Long Night. However, recent developments regarding the series proves this prequel might be far different than anything we originally expected.

As Entertainment Weekly reports, the series is actually set 5,000 years before the events of Game of Thrones. George R. R. Martin explained to EW that this means the series will predate Valyria, the city in Essos that spawned not only the Targaryen house but also their infamous dragons. Still, don’t think that this means the series will be boring by any means. As Martin explained, the prequel will show us a Westeros, unlike anything we’ve seen before.

“Westeros is a very different place. There’s no King’s Landing. There’s no Iron Throne. There are no Targaryens — Valyria has hardly begun to rise yet with its dragons and the great empire that it built. We’re dealing with a different and older world and hopefully, that will be part of the fun of the series.”

So while the Westeros we’ll experience in The Long Night is vastly different from the one we experienced in Game of Thrones, there is still a lot of intrigue, mystery, and lore to unravel. The synopsis of the prequel’s pilot will “chronicles the world’s descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour,” and will dive into the history of the origin of the white walkers, the Starks, and much, much more.

The Long Night is going to explore so much of Westeros’ rich, fascinating history and lore, so even if you are bummed to hear there won’t be Targaryens or dragons, this show still seems like it will easily have you on the edge of your seat. The Long Night stars Naomi Watts and is reported to start shooting this year, and we’ll keep you posted as more news develops on this exciting series.