Game of Thrones, Orphan Black, Mad Men and more topped our TV Quotes of the Week. Did your favorite show bring on the funny, the memorable, or the meta this week with quotable quotes?

Check it out, and see if our picks match your favorites. If you want to make sure your favorite quotes are featured next week, give a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion.

‘Mad Men’

“You have stiff competition, but I believe you to be the most dishonest person I have ever worked with.”
Mad Men season 7, episode 3
Jim:Harry’s deception is pretty over-the-top even in the world of Mad Men. To make up a non-existent computer that analyzes local and national ad buys takes a pretty big set of cajones. At what point did Harry think he was’t going to get caught? It’s a lie, but more than that, it’s a stupid lie.
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‘Once Upon A Time’

Once Upon A Time season 3, episode 19

Henry: For the latter half of Once Upon a Time’s third season, viewers have watched as Henry went about his life in Storybrooke with no recollection of Regina’s significance in his life. As soon as Henry touches the storybook, his memory comes back into focus, and he says the one word that Regina has been dying to hear since she saw him again, “Mom.” (Cue the “awwww!”)
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‘The Vampire Diaries’

“I’d blame it on the spirit of Bill Forbes, but I don’t think you’re his type.”
The Vampire Diaries season 5, episode 19

Damon Salvatore: Damon’s not quite buying Elena’s story about feeling someone pushing her under the water, so he has a little fun with it, trying to see if humor will make Elena calm down.
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“That’s what we humans do. We fall in and out of love, we break each other’s hearts.The first time, you always think it’s the most important but that isn’t true. It’s the test.”
Glee season 5, episode 17

June Dalloway: Each Glee episode seems to bring a new and competitive conflict between long-time couple Kurt and Blaine, and this week was no exception. Broadway legend Shirley MacLaine joins the cast as June Dalloway, a Manhattan socialite and patron of the arts who takes a shine to Blaine at a performance originally designed to showcase Kurt. As she spends time with Blaine, preparing to launch his career, she dismisses his relationship with Kurt and encourages Blaine to call off the engagement. Her candid description of the phenomena of love is a concept that some of Glee‘s favorite characters may be forced to examine before the end of the season!
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‘Orphan Black’

“I’ve got other drama in my life, Sarah…There’s no place for me here.”

Orphan Black season 2, episode 3

Felix In a rare moment when he shows true emotional vulnerability, Felix tells Sarah that he feels cast aside and betrayed by her by keeping who Cal was and why they are at Cal’s house secret from him.
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‘Game of Thrones’

“So many men, they risk so little…I’d risk everything to get what I want.”

Petyr Baelish, A.K.A. Littlefinger: Littlefinger acquaints Sansa Stark with what his motives for betraying the Lannisters are.

Game of Thrones season 4, episode 4
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Dean: “You’re with me, Romeo.”

David: “Sounds good, Buffy.”

Supernatural season 9, episode 20

Dean Winchester and David: Love-struck shapeshifter David sasses Dean, much to Sam’s amusement.
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Clinton: “You bitch!”
Felicity: “Bitch with WiFi!”
Arrow season 2, episode 21

Clinton and Felicity Smoak: Diggle and Felicity kidnap one of Sebastian Blood’s lackeys. Felicity serves as interrogator, “torturing” him by draining his bank account and threatening his parents’ money. She has perfected the art of the chair spin and uses it to great effect here.
Via: Tumblr

Which were your favorite quotes?