Game of Thrones’ author George R.R. Martin has officially joined Twitter and has gained a massive amount of followers in just a few hours.

The real George R.R. Martin has joined Twitter under the handle @GRRMspeaking. The author is a bit old school, so is just getting around to joining the social media giant. His first tweet can be seen below:

The Game of Thrones’ author got his Twitter account verified after much encouragement from his team after dozens of imposter accounts were on Twitter claiming to be the famous author.

The author joins Twitter while he’s currently working on writing his next A Song of Ice and Fire novel, titled The Winds of Winter, which fans are eagerly awaiting.

Random House confirmed that the account is definitely the “real deal” after it gathered nearly 100,000 followers in just a few hours after being confirmed today.

While we don’t expect to see too many updates from the Game of Thrones author, we’re excited to see that we could potentially see some exciting responses from him due to fans constantly discussing Game of Thrones spoilers on Twitter after each episode of HBO’s wildly popular series.

Be sure to follow George R.R. Martin on Twitter and start tweeting him to finish The Winds of Winter. We imagine that’ll get him to finish it much quicker.

Also, if you’ve noticed that your tweets have gotten shorter, it’s because he’s already killed off some of the 140 characters.