In the game of thrones, you win by accepting gifts from a rock and roll pirate, or you die of embarrassment after marrying said rock and roll pirate.

After somehow building his 1000 ships (don’t ask, just go with it), Euron Greyjoy is back again to play the game of thrones. Last season he said he’d make Daenerys his queen, but it seems he’s changed his tune. Now he’s pursuing Cersei, but the Mad Queen is less than impressed.

Never deterred from a goal, Euron promises Cersei he will bring her a gift that will change her mind. But what could this gift be?

Tyrion’s head

Euron had quite a few quips in “Dragonstone”, but there was a particular line that might be foreshadowing this gift he’ll give Cersei. On the subject of killing family, Euron said that Cersei should try giving brother-killing a try. It’s well known how much Cersei hates her younger brother, so presumably Euron is referring to Tyrion.

It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Euron would sail to Dragonstone just to cut off Tyrion’s head. In fact, it’s also possible Euron planned on visiting Dany anyway. In season 6, Euron stated that he wanted to take Dany as his wife, not Cersei. True, Theon and Yara beat him to it, but he’s not one to just give up. He’s pure ironborn, he takes what he believes is his.

Euron’s plan could be to court both Cersei and Dany, and take whoever chooses him, or offers him the best deal. In such a case, Euron will make his way to Daenerys and see how she responds to him. If he doesn’t like what he hears, he’ll sail back to Cersei, with Tyrion’s head.

Head of the flower or snake

It’s possible Euron’s brother-killing line is actually foreshadowing Jaime. If Jaime has redeemed himself as much as we believe he has, Cersei’s reign will end because of Jaime. In true poetic justice, Cersei will become the Mad Queen and Jaime will be forced to kill her like he did the Mad King. Of course, that’s assuming Cersei doesn’t kill him first.

Jaime aside, it’s presumptuous to think that Euron could just kill Tyrion. He’s Daenerys’ Hand of the Queen. He’s probably well protected. The next best head for Cersei is either the head of Olenna Tyrell or Ellaria Sand.

As shown in the clip for “Stormborn”, Ellaria is in Dragonstone meeting with Dany and co. If Euron’s plan is to hear offers from both Cersei and Dany (see above), then he’ll have the opportunity to kill Ellaria while in Dragonstone.

Alternatively, Euron could bypass the risk of committing murder while surrounded by Daenerys’ full force, and instead head to Highgarden and attack Lady Olenna. Being a seaman though, it’s unlikely Euron would head west through land to do this. He’s strongest in and surrounded by water. Attacking by land puts him at a disadvantage.


This theory is derived from book canon, so if you don’t want to be spoiled on the books, stop now!

In the Song of Ice and Fire novels, Euron boasts having found a horn that can control dragons. In a battle against the Mother of Dragons, obviously this gift would be invaluable, assuming it’s legitimate.

With the ability to control Dany’s dragons, her trump card is not just rendered useless, it can be used against her. In the event Euron does have Dragonbinder, this could lend itself to the theory that Bran can, and will, warg into a dragon, as it’s likely the only way to combat the horn’s power.

Using the horn against Dany assumes that Cersei believes it’s real. From what we’ve seen so far, Cersei does not seem the type to believe in magic, so she could very well turn down Euron’s offer. Should that happen, perhaps Euron will take his gift to Dany and try his luck with her.

What do you think Euron’s gift could be?