Lots of Game of Thrones interviews surfacing as we near the season 2 premiere! Read what executive producer D.B. Weiss can tease about the second season of the hit series and what they’ve had to change from the novel. Beware of spoilers.

Speaking to the LA Times, Weiss talks about adapting A Clash of Kings, the second novel in the Ice and Fire saga, for television. He says:

We’re adapting his entire series. The changes we make, taking something from one book and putting it in the middle of events from another book, are always at the service of the series as a whole – both George’s series and our series. This year there are definitely things we took from Book 3 and pulled them back a season and there are things we hold off on introducing from Book 2 to put in a later season and there are things, regrettably, there’s just no room to include at all.

He also talks about what we can expect with regards to visual effects in season 2:

Visual effects definitely play a much bigger role in the show this season than it did last season. We have such an amazing group of visual effects artists this year that you’re sometimes hard-pressed to remember what was real and what was added in later.

What do you think about the writers mixing things up a little by putting in events from later novels? It already began happening in the first season, but it seems to be a continuing trend – might be a good thing for the book fans, as they won’t completely know what to expect.

Read the full interview with D.B. Weiss at LA Times.