The Game of Thrones production team is busy as usual in multiple locations around the world. The unit in Northern Ireland shared some battle details.

Fans of the show know that one of last season’s biggest highlights was the epic battle of Blackwater Bay where Stannis Baratheon attempted to sack Kings Landing and take the Iron Throne. His efforts were thwarted by the cunning on Tyrion Lannister and the timely arrival of Tywin Lannister. Well, this year, another battle is brewing, only this time it’s not a clash of two giant armies. The battle-lines are drawn between two major characters.

According to the Game of Thrones Production Diary site, a local couple walking their dog stumbled into one of the biggest scenes of the year.

It was an important rehearsal, and the two main protagonists are two of my season favorites: an unexpected pairing, whose war of words is almost as full-on as the fight. This struggle has been choreographed and rehearsed for weeks, with each move carefully placed to match the terrain. The fighters wore pads and fell on crash matts, though for the close-ups later in the week, during the first night shoot of the season, the landing would not be quite so comfortable. It will be a character-defining scene, for more than one who is involved, so it has to be done well.

The crew allowed the couple to stay for awhile, but once things were ready for filming they kept the details under wraps until the couple moved on. Cat Taylor, the on set reporter, then described some of the extra details the couple did not see.

More departments began to arrive for a full run-through. VFX was involved in creating the final moments of the scene, and special effects had a lot to do to make it all work. Armoury had designed a special weapon for this scene alone, and there was a nervous moment when it was first tested against the wood of a massive tree stump and the body of one of our brave stunt guys.

Given that the scene was filmed in Northern Ireland and not Iceland, Malta, or Eastern Europe, that would rule out the fight taking place on north of The Wall or in Essos. Given the way the HBO series has deviated somewhat from the book series, there isn’t a clear cut answer as to who the battle is between.

Who do you think might be facing off in such an “unexpected pairing” where they have not only a “war of words,” but also an actual, physical fight? Beware, spoilers may lie ahead in the comments!