Kit Harington has done a few interviews leading up to the second season of Game of Thrones Read what he has to say about Jon Snow’s journey, and beware of mild spoilers.

Speaking to Access Hollywood, Kit talks about Jon’s season 2 storyline:

He’s got such an isolated storyline. He’s so separated from the rest of the story, a bit like Daenery’s [Emilia Clarke’s] part is. You’ve got these kinds of three sections to the story, but he’s very separated from it. But he gets to do some really, kind of crazy, cool stuff in the second season and… he doesn’t really stick to the rest of the storyline, as it were. He kind of goes off in his own way.

He also talks about Jon’s motivation for heading out beyond the Wall:

I won’t tell you, but obviously, that’s one of Jon’s priorities… He’s lost his father and he’s going beyond The Wall to try and find his uncle. He needs some sort of — some family member — to survive, really. So, yeah, he is going to look for him and that is a priority for him, but whether he finds him or not, you have to wait and see.

Kit has also spoken to Hey U Guys, where he explains why being a bastard in the Game of Thrones world is such a bad thing:

In this world that we create, a bastard child, an illegitimate child is a real shame on the family. But it’s never a shame on the man that’s done the disloyalty, all of the guilt rides on the child which is one of the hugely unfair things about this world. It’s a rule in these Kingdoms that the second name of a bastard child is ‘Snow’ if he’s of the North ‘River’ if he’s born of the River land, ‘Flower’ if he’s born of the Southern Lands and ‘Stone’ if he’s born of the Dragon’s Den’ and I quite like those names, it’s where you’re from. But essentially what it’s saying is you’re not of a family, you’re of a place, you are a nobody and so Jon Snow, every time he says ‘I’m Jon Snow’ people instantly say ‘oh, you’re a bastard then’.

He also reveals how many years he’s signed on for:

People say to me, ‘are you signed for many seasons?’ I say ‘Yeah, i signed for six’ and they’re be like ‘oooo, you’re tied in’ and I’ll reply with ‘yeah, I’m tied into an HBO TV show that is luckily being a success and I’m an actor and I’m working.’ I’m really really lucky. It has changed my career trajectory phenomenally but if this is it for me, this is pretty good I think.

Game of Thrones premieres April 1! Less than a month now, people!