Taking all of the freedom that Minecraft is known to give to its players, one user has crafted a fully functional graphing calculator in game.

Similar to the working calculator built in the original LittleBigPlanet, the Minecraft calculator is a massively large and complex structure that is over 250 blocks long, 200 blocks wide and 100 blocks high.

The calculator can perform basic math like addition and subtraction, as well as more complex functions like quadratic equations and plotting graphs. There is even a screen that can display up to 25 digits and a separate one for graphs.

A working graphing calculator is only one of the many impressive feats accomplished in a game that also includes a working Starship Enterprise, the city of Rapture from Bioshock and even a basic 16-bit computer.

Check out the latest amazing creation in Minecraft below.

Does this make you want to ditch that TI-83 in favor of a download of Minecraft?