The first full trailer for Bohemian Rhapsody, the Freddie Mercury and Queen biopic has finally been released!

We’ve seen teaser images and a teaser trailer for the Freddie Mercury movie, Bohemian Rhapsody, but we finally have a full trailer for the film. As with the teaser, this trailer is heavy on the Queen music, and if nothing else will remind you how hard that band still rocks, even today.

Related: The first trailer for Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody will rock you

The trailer gives us a better look at Rami Malek’s portrayal of legendary Queen frontman Freddie Mercury, and how the film plans to portray the early days of one of the most iconic rock bands ever. Take a peek for yourself, and definitely turn up the volume to enjoy the pulsing Queen songs setting the mood.

Bohemian Rhapsody has come under fire in regards to its portrayal of Freddie Mercury. The teaser trailer seemed to gloss over the topic of Mercury’s sexuality and made no mention of the AIDS crisis–both things that were a huge part of Mercury’s life.

And while it has been widely reported that the movie will be omitting the AIDS crisis from the story entirely (which is upsetting as Mercury himself was a victim of the AIDS crisis), the new trailer does seem to have a few more visible moments that speak to Mercury’s sexuality.

The rockstar never officially came out and confirmed or denied his sexuality in his life–though most assumed he wasn’t straight–and his fellow bandmates were also equally quiet on the subject. However, he was known to have relationships with both men and women in his life and was often cheeky and facetious in interviews when asked point-blank about his sexuality.

Though it’s incredibly frustrating to hear that the film will be omitting any mention of AIDS from Bohemian Rhapsody, it is encouraging to see moments in the trailer that make it seem like the film is not wholly shying away from the subject of Mercury’s sexuality.

Of course, we’ll have to wait until the movie releases to theaters on November 2 to see exactly how Bohemian Rhapsody depicts the life of Freddie Mercury. Queen is a band that is beloved by so many, as is Mercury himself, and we hope Bohemian Rhapsody does both of them justice.