Speaking about Fringe in a new interview, Seth Gabel talks about his character and the remaining eight episodes of season 4! Beware of spoilers.

Gabel tells Assignment X a bit about what we can expect from the rest of the season. He says:

The remaining eight episodes will air completely uninterrupted and we’re building up to this conflict with David Robert Jones [Jared Harris] and the two universes team up to fight this common enemy that continues to develo. There’s a love triangle with Peter, Lincoln and Olivia. Then you add Faux-liva and alt-Lincoln to the mix and they’re all vying for their different loves and also fighting to save each of their universes. There’s a lot of interaction and spending time in the alternate universes. There’s also going to be an episode where the two Lincoln’s have a conversation and talk about how we became different people. ‘I am who I am, and you are who you are, but something happened in the past that caused us to be different. What is it that makes us different?’

So that’s interesting! We assumed that after the timelines correlated, a romance between Lincoln and Olivia would pretty much be off the table (despite the looks he shot her in ‘A Short Story About Love’), but who knows! We’re still hoping for Alt-Lincoln and Fauxlivia to get together though!