Jeff Pinkner and Joel Wyman open up about Peter’s return and what direction they’re taking the show in in a new interview. Beware of spoilers.

The interview with Give Me My Remote is quite revealing and lengthy – Pinkner and Wyman really put all the cards on the table! On how the relationships have been changed by Peter’s disappearance and return, Pinkner says:

Look, we love Peter. We love the relationship. We crafted that relationship. We didn’t pull Peter out of the relationship  because a) we didn’t enjoy it or b) we didn’t see where it could go forward. We’re as frustrated as everyone. [we] want to see our characters be happy. But in order to earn that, we need to go through patches where they aren’t happy.

So does that mean our characters will have a happy ending?! What about the man who Olivia prophesied would kill her?

In different news, Wyman teases the Olivia/Nina dynamic:

We find that really delicious that Olivia and Nina have a deeper relationship and we’re going to explore what that is and what that was and how it effects everybody. Because, going back to choices and influence and impact, which I think we now, really, especially this season, we’re really interested in the impact that we all have on each others’ lives and what that influence means. And that’s a metaphor for this season. […] We want to make sure that this season is going to be the season where we really feature her, because Blair [Brown (Nina)] is such a tremendous actress, and we’re so lucky to have her.

Read the full interview here at Give Me My Remote.