Fringe showrunner Joel Wyman has tweeted two season 5 images, one showing a grown-up Etta and another showing Peter and Olivia in the future.

Wyman tweeted the following stills from a Fringe season 5 episode:

These images are likely from episode 5×01, “Transilience Through Unifier Model-11,” and seem to be from the same scene – perhaps Peter and Olivia are marveling at their grown-up daughter?

Season 5 premieres September 28, and will consist of only 13 episode – but 13 great ones, we’re sure! The bulk of the story will take place in 2036, but we will see flashbacks to the present showing key moments that led to events unfolding as they did.

If you missed it, two trailers have been released: one focusing on the Observers, another on Peter, Olivia and Etta!