In a new interview, the Fringe bosses talk about the themes of season 4 and when we might know about a season 5 renewal (or a cancellation, but we don’t like to say that word).

Speaking to EW, executive producer Joel Wyman says that while they have met the ratings objective which FOX had presented to them, “You never know with these things.” But whenever Fringe finishes, Wyman promises that they’ll try to deliver a satisfying ending:

The truth is, we just tell the story we want. Also, we’re huge fans of television and have invested many hours in shows — you’ve either been let down or loved the ending … We have a couple of ideas on how, if the worst thing ever happens, we would be able to leave the fans in a way we’d feel comfortable and something, as fans of TV, we’d appreciate.

Also in the interview, Wyman and Jeff Pinkner discuss the season as a whole and the focus on Peter, and Wyman says:

The major theme this season is that life is valuable and so are the connections you make – who you give your heart to and who makes you a better person. And how do you make them a better person. What impact do you have on their lives and them on yours?

Do you think that Fringe needs a fifth season, or could it be wrapped up in a satisfying way if the unspeakable happened?