Netflix has just dropped a short but significant preview of House of Cards season 6, and it reveals that Frank Underwood is dead.

The preview explains how the show has written out Kevin Spacey’s character: The tried-and-true They Died method. Remember, Spacey was ousted last year following harassment allegations by Anthony Rapp and people who were on set of the Netflix drama. After his firing, the show hit pause on the production to write out Frank.

The sneak peek finds Claire speaking to Frank at his grave stone (He’s been buried next to his father). “I’ll tell you this though, Francis. When they bury me, it won’t be in my backyard,” Clare says. “And when they pay their respects, they’ll have to wait in line.”

It remains to be seen just how Frank Underwood’s death, which was only added following the allegations were made, will be explained. Will we see Claire literally backstabbing him? Will we see him being hit by a truck? One thing’s for sure: Spacey hasn’t been on set since the allegations surfaced, so we won’t see Frank’s face.

House of Cards season 6 will be the final season of the first ever Netflix Original. It premieres November 2 and stars Robin Wright, newcomers Diane Lane, Greg Kinnear, and Cody Fern, and returning stars Michael Kelly, Jayne Atkinson, Patricia Clarkson, Constance Zimmer, Derek Cecil, Campbell Scott and Boris McGiver.