Like many of you, I had the pleasure of going to see ‘The Hunger Games’ last night with a couple of friends and I can safely say that it is probably one of the best book adaptations I have seen in a long time.

Was it perfect? No, but we knew it wouldn’t be. The book was packed with everything from the point of Katniss and everything that see saw and felt. With the movie transitioning to a 3rd person point of view, we lost that ability to know why she felt such a connection to Rue, or how she really felt about Peeta.

Yet, Gary Ross and everyone involved in directing, writing and producing the movie compensated for it with beautiful scenes such as the revolt in District 11, looks into the Capitol and showing the production of the games with Seneca at the head.

Nonetheless, there are several things that left me either disappointing, confused or a mixture of both.

During the several months of huge hype for ‘The Hunger Games’, one of the things we were told that we would see was finding out what Foxface’s name is. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but I never heard her name mentioned once before the last half hour. When I saw her talking to Caesar, (In that beautiful green dress nonetheless), I expected that to be the moment. But I didn’t hear it mentioned since it faded at the end into Rue’s interview.

The mutts left something to be desired as well. I liked how it showed them being created in the Control Room, and how they did Cato’s death. Yet, like others, I wish that they had characteristics of the dead Tributes and did not just look like pit bulls.

Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence were amazing in their roles, as was Liam for the slight screen time he had.

Little Rue’s death was perfectly done. I loved how Katniss repeatedly told her that “You’re alright”, I loved how she was choking up while singing and I loved the flowers that were put around her body. But the one thing that puts this scene above the others in emotion was when the camera took a place that made it look like we saw what Rue was seeing as she died. Becoming brighter and brighter and shimmering with tears.

Despite its flaws or low budget with CGI, The Hunger Games repeatedly impressed me and I can’t wait to see what they do with Catching Fire