It has been four months now since Pottermore finished distributing its 1 million invites to those who successfully completed the Magical Quill process. Though the site was due to open to the public at the end of October, just days before the expected release they announced that the beta period – with no new people joining the site – would continue for an undetermined amount of time.

The site has still not opened to the public – and those eBooks aren’t available either. Now we’d like to ask those who do have access: Are you continuing to visit the site?

On a personal note, I’ve honestly forgotten about the existence of Pottermore numerous times over the past few months. I’m only reminded about it when I get an e-mail telling me about a new friend request (Is it from someone I know? How can I tell when their username is of no significance?). Or when the official Pottermore Twitter account sends an update about new downtime.

I’m guessing that many people aren’t returning to the site on any sort of regular basis. There’s simply no reason to. Once you’ve been through all the chapters, tried a duel or two, and read through all of J.K. Rowling’s new content, there’s very little to send you back. This is why I’ve been touting (on MuggleCast and here on Hypable) that Pottermore launches a feature to let you take care of a pet. Like Farmville, it’d send a certain group of people back to the site every day. It wouldn’t do the trick for everyone, but combined with other potential new features, it’d get at least SOME people back.

The good news is that Pottermore sent out a big survey asking the beta users a variety of questions. Based off of what they’re asking, we believe they’ll get a very good hold on what should and should not be going on with the site. But how long will it take them to fix the issues? Is this why we haven’t heard about a public opening yet?

We’re interested in hearing the thoughts of Pottermore’s users in the comments. Have you been returning? What will keep you coming back? And when do you suspect they’ll open the site to everyone?