The official BBC Doctor Who webpage just released five photos to tease fans for the upcoming season. One is fairly obvious as to what it is. As for the rest…let the speculation and analysis begin!

It’s not exactly riveting stuff, but Whovians have been quite clever over the years ferreting out details.

[nggallery id=559]

It’s pretty clear that one of the images is a close-up of a sonic screwdriver. Thoughts on what anything else is?

Edited: Kate in the comments wisely pointed out information on the BBC site:

“Not much had been confirmed about the Doctor’s forthcoming adventures
but we think it’s safe to say we can expect to see the return of perhaps
the Doctor’s most legendary foe. Here are some sneaky pictures fresh
from the set of Doctor Who where the Daleks are being wheeled before the
cameras once again. But which design? The answer is ALL OF THEM!”