In anticipation of several new chapters from Chamber of Secrets arriving in Pottermore, their official Insider blog has released a snippet of Rowling’s new material on Peeves.

“…Sure enough, Peeves is the most notorious and troublesome poltergeist in British history. Unlike the overwhelming majority of his colleagues, Peeves has a physical form, though he is able to become inviisble at will. His looks reflect his nature, which those who know him would agree is a seamless blend of humour and malice…”

More about Peeves will be unveiled when the next batch of chapters are released on Pottermore. “Have you ever wondered how Peeves gets away with causing so much havoc? Maybe you’ve been wondering about the other past caretakers who have had to endure Peeves’ troublemaking and the attempts made to control him? You’ll be able to learn all of this and more as J.K. Rowling shares information on poltergeists and the many antics of Peeves,” Pottermore teases.

At this time we do not know when they will open. This particular excerpt came from Chapter 8: The Deathday Party.

Currently Pottermore’s Sorcerer’s Stone book and the first four chapters of Chamber of Secrets are what is currently available to the public.