You’ve now seen every Dwarf from The Hobbit, in numerous exciting releases. Now see them all together in a gorgeous look at the group who set out on a wondrous adventure with Bilbo Baggins. Check out the full size image below!

Above you can see: Bombur (Stephen Hunter), Bofur (James Nesbitt), Bifur (William Kircher), Nori (Jed Brophy), Ori (Adam Brown), Dori (Mark Hadlow), Thorin (Richard Armitage), Balin (Ken Stott), Dwalin (Graham McTavish), Oin (John Callen), Gloin (Peter Hambleton), Fili (Dean O’Gorman) and Kili (Aidan Turner). This company of Dwarves sure look fantastic!

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is scheduled for a December 14, 2012 release.