The final poster for the book-to-film adaptation of Ender’s Game premiered today, and in it we see our hero ready for battle.

Check it out below, thanks to IGN who had the exclusive release. Though we can’t see Ender’s face (played by Asa Butterfield), his stance is one of a trainee who’s ready to fight:

The bottom of the poster shows off supporting cast members including Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfeld, Ben Kingsley, and Viola Davis.

In addition to today’s poster release, the first battles have begun on “Share your International Fleet army badge on Facebook or Twitter to help your army unlock an exclusive preview of the final trailer,” writes the studio. You can get your army badge and take the Strategic Aptitude Test at

The army with the most shares on Monday, August 5 at 9 a.m. pacific “will win an exclusive preview of the final trailer. Participants should check the site at that time to discover if they have won – only the winning army members will be able to view the exclusive preview!”

Additional battles leading up to the film’s November 1 premiere will allow army members access to other exclusive material.

We’ll be sure to share the trailer once it makes its full, public release in the next few weeks. In the mean time, be sure to read our review of the Ender’s Game movie footage which debuted at San Diego Comic-Con in July.