Give me all the movies about all the badass women for all of time.

There are many great male-led franchises. There are plenty of mediocre male-led franchises. And there are just way too many bad male-led franchises.

Let’s make 2019 (and beyond) the year when we put female-fronted franchises in the spotlight. Here are a few women from current franchises who I’d love to see command franchises of their own someday (soon, hopefully).

Enfys Nest, ‘Solo’

I can’t tell you whether Solo was a fun little heist film or simply a nostalgia grab for some Star Wars cash (I think it was somewhere in the middle of those two), but I can tell you that by far the most interesting character for me was Enfys Nest. We spend about two-thirds of the movie believing that she’s just your run-of-the-mill criminal leader looking to score the next big cash out, but then come to find that she’s actually attempting to thwart Han’s unknowing attempt to assist the expansion of the Empire’s stranglehold. Learning that she’s part of what will eventually become the Rebellion is probably the single most exciting thing about the entire movie and the only time I ever actually leaned forward in my chair with interest. The fact that actress Erin Kellyman is signed on for two more movies is intriguing, and I’m hoping that she and her Cloud Riders get to be more front and center for those two films rather than side characters.

Domino, ‘Deadpool 2’

Deadpool 2 was…a lot. A lot of jokes, a lot of fourth wall breaking, a lot of raunchiness. In fact, there were certain points where a lot became just too much and I found myself wishing that the movie would dial it back just a little bit.

However, there was one part of the movie where I thought — holy shit, I could use more of this, forever: Domino. Even though Deadpool initially dismisses her power of being lucky as “not a real power,” it becomes very clear, very quickly just how badass of a power it is. Her very first fight scene involves her making an extremely lucky landing into a moving truck, which she then steers without any hands. At one point, someone she’s fighting accidentally decapitates himself because, you know, luck. She was the epitome of cool, calm and apathetic in the midst of the frenetic, almost manic pace of Deadpool 2, and I’d absolutely pay to see her luck out in about twenty different fight scenes spread across four films.

Valkyrie, ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

There’s a lot to like about Thor: Ragnarok. Even I, a known MCU cynic, enjoyed the time I spent watching Thor: Ragnarok.

There’s also one thing that I absolutely and unabashedly loved: Valkyrie. She plays the drunken, prickly yet lovable rogue character usually reserved for men. She’s a woman who takes no shit and dishes it out in equal turn, and who just kicks so much ass all over the place. She also has a tragic backstory that I’d love to explore more in future films, an absolutely badass costume that’s better than 99% of all the Avengers’ costumes and opens up the opportunity for us to see Tessa Thompson riding around on a flying horse. Who doesn’t want to see Tessa Thompson on a flying horse kicking ass? No one, that’s who.

Nakia and Shuri, ‘Black Panther’

The MCU is about 10 years and two terrible casting decisions by Scarlett Johansson too late for me to ever be interested in a Black Widow movie. Like, ever. And really, what need would I have for a Scarlett Johansson-led spy film when there is already a badass spy film waiting to be made starring the far more talented (and actress who never felt the need to steal away roles from marginalized peoples) Lupita Nyong’o.

I’d love to see Lupita Nyong’o’s Nakia being a spy and general badass in a bunch of different African nations, not only gathering intel but providing relief and rescue the way that she did in the opening minutes of Black Panther. And who would play Q to Nakia’s James Bond-esque type role? Obviously Shuri, everyone’s favorite resident genius and snarkmaster. The MCU needed to greenlight about five movies of this power duo, like, yesterday.

Constance and Nine Ball, ‘Ocean’s 8’

What I’d actually want is for each member of the heist team to have an individual movie focusing on their own zany adventures and shenanigans before coming back together for an Ocean’s 8 sequel. You know, take a page out of the MCU’s playbook and delve deeper into the stories of each individual member of a team, except instead of having 10 movies with bland white dudes, you’d have eight movies about badass ladies.

And while I loved every single woman in the movie (with Anne Hathaway’s Daphne Kluger probably being my most surprising favorite), I could go another two or three movies just watching Awkwafina’s Constance and Rihanna’s Nine Ball. Hell, let’s make the fourth movie in this pretend franchise a buddy movie, with both Awkwafina and Rihanna pulling off some sort of heist with just the two of them. You know they totally could.