Tonight’s Fear the Walking Dead revealed interesting new details about the characters and their icy relationships with one another.

Travis, Liza, Chris, and the Salazars

The riots continued to escalate in Los Angeles and left Travis, Liza, and Chris trapped with the Salazars*. Unfortunately they can’t stay at the barbershop safe house for long, because rioters have started burning down the place next door. Forced out, they have no choice but to run through the riots and out of the area. When they head out into the open, they run into a newly-turned police officer eating a citizen.

Yeah, things are really bad.

By some incredible miracle, Travis’s pick-up truck hasn’t been torn apart by rioters. He thanks the rioters for the kind gesture by smashing into a motorcycle innocently parked behind his truck. That’s bad karma, Travis!

As they make their way out of the area, the family watches in horror as a patient at a hospital is shot repeatedly by police. This poor person refuses to die, and is a reminder of the tragic situation gripping the city.

*Daniel and Travis exchange bad first impressions, which causes a riff between the two patriarchs. Since Travis threw shade on Daniel’s barber shop, Travis agrees to take him to Madison’s house where the Salazars can hopefully get picked up by their cousin. Later, Daniel ends up moving into the house because his wife ill (but not that kind of ill… yet).

Madison and the kids

Madison, Nick, and Alicia are in a much calmer area of town as they wait for Travis to get back home. To pass the time, the family of three play a round of Monopoly. Good game choice, because this game takes forever to finish. There’s a mention of the family’s former patriarch here, and later we learn that he died. As for how he died, we still don’t know.

In these scenes we learn that Nick is slowly weening himself off the drugs, but it’s going to take many more doses before he can be off of them completely. We foresee him having a horrible relapse at some point.

Six hours pass and Travis is still nowhere to be found, but there is an infected neighbor lurking on their front lawn. The trio bolt over to their neighbors Susan and Patrick’s house to grab a shotgun in defense.

As luck would have it, the walker enters Madison’s home while they’re out grabbing the gun. To make matters worse, Travis has just returned home. “Oh hey neighbor! What are you doing here? And in my house?” Travis asks.

Reunited and it feels so… Horrible

Travis, his ex-wife, and their son walk into the home in search of Madison and the kids. Big mistake! Their recently zombie-fied neighbor has stumbled in and is dining on the family dog. Travis is still blissfully unaware of how dangerous the sick are, so he tries to talk some sense into his neighbor. Luckily for him, Daniel and Madison know better, so the former blows his brains out.

Since the Salazars are staying the night, Travis decides they won’t leave until the morning (Against Madison’s wishes). This means everyone’s forced to interact with each other — including Madison and Liza, who clearly aren’t friends.

Liza is making a request to mend fences when Madison cuts her off. She requests that if she ever becomes infected, Liza kill her instead of Travis. Madison believes that it would “break” Travis to have to do it. This scene appears to be Madison’s first time acknowledging that she and Liza will be spending a lot of time with one another from here on out. Thanks, apocalypse!

Morning arrives and the family begins leaving (without the Salazars) just as Susan’s husband Patrick arrives home. Madison runs over to their house to warn him of what’s happened, and as Patrick gives his wife a hug, the National Guard moves in and kills her.

This scene is too unbelievable. Viewers did hear and see the helicopters overhead, but how were they so quickly able to spot a walker and then move in to kill her? Especially in Susan’s busy garden?

Nonetheless, what’s just transpired leaves Madison shocked. Will this be more or less of a reason for the family to head to the desert?

“It’s gonna get better now,” Travis tells his wife as he watches the National Guard round up an alarming number of bodies.

What did you think of ‘Fear’ 1×03?

The intensity was thrilling in Fear the Walking Dead’s third episode. Slowly but surely, everyone is realizing there’s a big issue afoot.

One person who is still in denial is Travis. Daniel believes the weak are the first to die — is Travis doomed? And what about the promise Liza and Madison made? What if it’s Travis who has to be killed?

We’re now halfway through the season! By the way, what was up with that really creepy guy at the beginning of the episode (see the image at the top of this article).

Watch a preview of next week’s episode below. It looks like the National Guard will have a heavier presence in the storyline: