Fox has launched a few social media channels for The Fault in Our Stars movie and has revealed the film’s official logo.

You can now follow the film on Twitter, like it on Facebook, and follow it on Tumblr. The three channels have been busy sharing content from fans, author John Green, and director Josh Boone.

You’ll notice that The Fault in Our Stars’ official logo includes “2014,” which is the first time we’re seeing an official mention of the film’s release year. A previous report from a Pittsburgh newspaper had pegged the film for a 2015 opening, so it’s good to hear a 2014 confirmation.

Related: Williem Dafoe joins Fault as fictional author Peter Van Houten.

Green has been spending a lot of time on set, sharing photos on a regular basis. For example, check out photos of Green with the film’s cancer support group, and this vlog from the set with Shailene Woodley (Hazel) and Ansel Elgort (Gus).

Thanks to Page to Premiere for the tip.