Can you decode what J.K. Rowling is trying to tell us in a new tweet about Grindelwald and Graves in Fantastic Beasts?

Harry Potter fan Cheylianie hit up @JK_Rowling on Monday to ask about a particular moment in Fantastic Beasts when Graves (AKA Grindelwald) tells Credence about the child he’s after:

Rowling replied with this:

That he is a seer (someone who can see into the future) makes sense and isn’t necessarily a surprise given his words. But he was lying to Credence about… who he saw? …That he had a vision? Why? Was it to test Credence? To see if he could realize that he himself was the Obscurus?

And if Graves / Grindelwald is a seer, does this mean that his “Shall we die, just a little?” line at the end of the movie foreshadows death in future Fantastic Beasts movies? Does he know one of them will die in a future movie? And uh… wouldn’t that mean Newt dies? We know it’s not Grindelwald, according to Harry Potter canon.

Edit: And yes, canon also says that Newt lives a long and happy life. So WHO in the “we” is dying?

Or does it mean that one of them will be making death-like sacrifices? Could people close to them die? (That could explain how Newt and Grindelwald would die “just a little”).

We all know that last line from Grindelwald was mega important and will make sense in the future, but for now J.K. Rowling is teasing us and it hurts.

Share your theories in the comments!

Last week Rowling unveiled the Ilvermorny Houses of several Fantastic Beasts characters (including one Muggle!).

Related: J.K. Rowling’s Queenie is a Strong Female CharacterTM who Hollywood desperately needed

Thanks to Matty for bringing this to our attention.