Since the Fantastic Beasts sequels will be returning to Hogwarts, they may as well include these ten characters.

With all the speculation about Fantastic Beasts filming at the familiar Hogwarts locations, we can’t stop thinking about what we might be able to see at out favorite wizarding school.

We can’t wait to see what happened with Newt Scamander and Leta Lestrange, but we’d also love to see some familiar faces from the Harry Potter series. Here are a few characters that we think could show up in the Fantastic Beasts sequels.

Albus Dumbledore

Let’s start with the obvious, shall we? Due to recent casting calls, we already know that Fantastic Beasts 2 is looking for a 16-18 year old Dumbledore.

Our number one wish surrounding the teenaged Dumbledore is to gain some intel on his relationship with Grindelwald and the altercation that unfortunately led to Ariana Dumbledore’s death, but we’d also love to see the pair roaming the halls of Hogwarts.

The Hogwarts we’ve always known and loved is a safe haven for Harry largely because of Dumbledore’s presence at the helm. We’ve even seen a glimpse of what it was like when he was just a teacher at the school, and we’ll surely see more of that as we explore Newt’s time at Hogwarts. However, it would also be amazing to see what things were like when Dumbledore was just another student.

We obviously know that Dumbledore is incredibly bright, but what kind of student was he? Was he an over-achiever like Hermione? Was he mischievous like Fred and George Weasley? Was he loved, hated, feared, revered? Tell us, Fantastic Beasts!

Professor Binns

All we really know about Professor Binns is that he’s so dreadfully boring that he didn’t even notice when he died. That being said, why would we ever want to see him in the Fantastic Beasts sequels?

Well, first of all, it would just be kind of cool if Harry, Ron and Hermione were taught by the same professor that taught Newt and/or Dumbledore! We’re not sure exactly when Professor Binns died, or was born, for that matter, but if he was a teacher during either of their times as students, he probably would’ve been alive.

Was he really as boring in life as he is in death? Was either man there on that fateful day that Professor Binns left his body behind? These are questions that need answering (kind of). Also, Professor Binns has a wealth of historical knowledge, so it’d be a really cool tie-in to have him help Newt or Dumbledore with information, like he helped Hermione regarding the Chamber of Secrets.

Elphias Doge

What better way to get to know our fearless leader, Albus Dumbledore, than through the eyes of his BFF, Elphias Doge? It seems like Dumbledore’s relationship with Grindelwald brought out a side of him that we didn’t see during his time as Hogwarts headmaster, and it definitely wasn’t his best look.

An appearance by Elphias Doge by Dumbledore’s side at Hogwarts could give us a much fuller picture of who Dumbledore was as a teenager. It’d be very interesting to see what Doge, likely the person who knew Dumbledore best, thought of Dumbledore’s growing connection to Grindelwald.

The Bloody Baron

When one thinks of very old characters within the wizarding world, the famed Hogwarts ghosts naturally come to mind. Hogwarts just wouldn’t be Hogwarts, without them!

Harry’s interactions with the Bloody Baron were pretty limited to seeing him eerily float down the hallway, but his character has so much more potential! The Bloody Baron, along with the Grey Lady, was at Hogwarts during the time of the founders. If we’re looking to get new and interesting tidbits about the castle’s history in the Fantastic Beasts sequels, he’d be the perfect source.

Also, the Bloody Baron is Slytherin’s ghost, so since he was one of the very first Slytherins, he could potentially do a lot to give fans a deeper understanding of the house, and to repair their reputation.

Aberforth Dumbledore

Since the Albus Dumbledore casting call was looking for a 16-18 year old Dumbledore, that would put him near the end of his Hogwarts career (assuming they’re looking to cast an actor who’s the same age as the character). Therefore, Aberforth Dumbledore, who’s three years younger than his brother, would also be of Hogwarts age!

While the main question on our minds is if Aberforth managed to sneak a pet goat into Hogwarts, we also believe that the combination of interactions with Grindelwald, Elphias and Aberforth would give us a beautifully complete picture of Dumbledore’s character at that time in his life.

Nearly Headless Nick

Since we spent so much time with the Gryffindors in the Harry Potter series, we already know quite a bit about Nearly Headless Nick. This one would just be a cool throwback to the original series!

Garrick Ollivander

Ollivander’s another character whose exact age is unknown. However, we do know that he’s already a wand maker by the time Fantastic Beasts begins, and it would make sense that he’s a similar age to Dumbledore. It would be amazing to see a young Ollivander in the back of Dumbledore’s “History of Magic” class, asking a question about wandlore!

The Fat Friar

The Fat Friar is definitely the Hogwarts ghost who we know the least about, but Fantastic Beasts is Hufflepuff’s time to shine! Perhaps Newt’s interest in beasts extends to all supernatural entities, including ghosts, and he developed a friendship with the Friar.


The return to Hogwarts in Fantastic Beasts is the wizarding world’s chance to rectify its error in leaving Peeves out of the Harry Potter films.

Just like the house ghosts, Hogwarts just isn’t Hogwarts without Peeves! He’s part of the incredible magic of the place. What other school can say they have a poltergeist roaming the halls? Peeves and the Weasley twins always had a mutual respect, but we can also definitely see Newt trying to befriend the school’s original mischief maker.

Potter and Weasley ancestors

While it wouldn’t be as great as seeing characters that we actually already know, we certainly wouldn’t hate seeing a little red-headed Weasley donning Gryffindor robes in the Hogwarts halls. While they’re at it, ancestors of any character that would give us more insight into some of the oldest wizarding families would be great.

Which ‘Harry Potter’ characters do you want to see in the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ sequels?