The sights and sensations of The Fault in Our Stars hop off the page and the big screen in these new videos.

Judging by the impressive box-office numbers, fans of John Green’s young adult tearjerker have probably sobbed themselves to sleep already over the film adaptation of The Fault in Our Stars. Once those puffy eyes cool down and the tissues are tossed away, fans may be looking for ways to bring a bit of the Stars into their own lives.

To help, vlogger and young adult author T. Michael Martin has embarked on a YouTube tour of real-life locations from the novel. Traveling through Indianapolis, Martin brings The Fault in Our Stars to life through a different lens than you may see on the big screen.

If this tour through The Fault in Our Stars has left you hankering for some comfort food (or if you happen to feel like baking no matter what happened to Hazel and Augustus) check out this recipe from PopSugar for some “okay” cookies.

And should your overwhelming feels leave you feeling weak and weary (and you have mad crafting skills) try out this tutorial from Geek & Sundry vlogger Paul Mason. Otherwise known as “Paul the DIY Guy,” Mason has made a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a pillow just perfect for curling up on after watching or reading The Fault in Our Stars.

For other news on The Fault in Our Stars, check out our review of the film adaptation, analysis of book-to-film changes, and the best quotes that made it into the movie.

Have you seen any other great ‘Fault in Our Stars’ fan videos?