Facebook’s “On This Day” feature offers an easy way to look back at years gone by, but sometimes it shows you a memory you’d prefer stay in the past.

Like the popular app TimeHop, “On This Day” will show you what you shared on social media on any particular day. Frequently you’ll see old photos, wall posts, status updates, and other nice memories. Remember that time you went to see the Backstreet Boys and uploaded all those low-quality photos taken on your Motorola Razr to Facebook? Good times!

And then there are those days where you’ll see a memory involving your ex, who ended up dumping you for someone “better.” Or you’ll see an announcement about your eventually-doomed engagement (“Why did I ever think that was a good idea?” you’re surely thinking now).

Now, no more! A new Preferences button on the “On This Day” page lets you set up filters to block out bad memories. You can add people or specific dates to your filtered list to permanently remove any particular person or date (like the day of your first wedding) from appearing again.

Facebook of course won’t admit that this is what the filters are for. They spin the feature another way: “Use these filters to help make sure we show you memories from On This Day in a way that’s meaningful for you,” they write.

Okay, Facebook, so this isn’t about blocking out the year in my life when I was married to a miserable person? Okay, sure.

Set up filters by visiting the “On This Day” page and clicking “Preferences” in the top right. Which people or days will you be blocking from memory?