In this exclusive clip from Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, watch as Dirk and Todd are separated by a rather improbable reality-bending slide.

Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency season 2 has somehow elevated its unique brand of lightning-paced insanity to even more baffling, with the central “everything is connected” mystery this time around being complicated and manipulated not by time travel, but by alternate realities.

All roads from all worlds apparently lead to Bergsberg, Montana — in last weekend’s episode, the pink-haired Prince Panto, who seems to come from a fairytale fantasy realm, finally encountered our hero Dirk Gently, the focal subject of his homeland Wendimoor’s prophecy. Now it’s Dirk’s turn to slip through the fabric of space and time as he finds himself trapped inside a version of the clue-ridden Cardenas homestead that most certainly isn’t the same abandoned and derelict one we’ve seen so far.

He somehow manages to contact Todd, and you can watch a sneak peek of their reality-crossing conversation here.

What’s immediately clear is that Dirk is actually still in the same room as Todd and Hobbs — they’re speaking on the same red phone handset, and the same diamond-paned window is visible behind them. However, via his mysterious hidden slide, Dirk has somehow entered a different reality, layered on top of this one – a reality where the Cardenas house is hyperactively decorated for some sort of Willy Wonka fever dream party, and features an impossibly labyrinthian series of hallways and doors, and, we see Dirk discover, possibly a monster or enemy assailant.

Dirk isn’t the only one of the gang who’s walking between the worlds this week — the official synopsis of this Saturday’s episode, appropriately titled “The House Within a House,” reveals that Amanda, who vanished from her bathtub of safety, has popped into Wendimoor itself — so some questions about its existence may be, well, if not explicitly answered, at least asked. Just a little speculation here: what Wendimoor and Dirk’s new discovery both have in common is that they feel like things that could have sprung from the imagination of a child – perhaps the missing Cardenas child — and manifested into reality. Theories, anyone?

‘Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency’ airs Saturdays at 9/8C on BBC America