After eight seasons, Entourage is coming to a close this weekend. Teasers for the season finale, which debuts next week, have been unveiled by HBO.

Here’s the “Goodbye Trailer.”

There are a couple of lines spoken by the characters that hint at how the series will end. The exchange between Vince and Ari, particularly, teases the end of their professional relationship.

Vince: “Still friends though, right?”
Ari: “We’ll always be friends.”

This season, the romantic lives of both Eric and Ari have become overly complicated. While Vince and Turtle have been raking in millions in the tequila business and look on to restaurant fare, Eric resorted to sleeping with his ex-fiance’s ex-stepmother (even though Sloan has an unexpected delivery on the way) and Ari went to the source we all knew he would: Dana Gordon.

A few other previews are available below, all of which focus on the lingering conflicts between these now ex-couples.

How do you think it will end? While the end is certainly upon us, Entourage – in classic style – isn’t trying to make us sad about it. I’m not even sure the holes will be closed. I’d be willing to bet a lot will be left in the air for our imaginations. That’s Hollywood, right?