J.K. Rowling has donated a signed Harry Potter book to the Harry Potter Alliance’s Equality FTW fundraiser.

The signed book will be awarded to one lucky winner who donates at the $25 minimum level and then participates in the giveaway via a mad lib game.

After you donate via their IndieGogo campaign, next week you will receive an e-mail from the Harry Potter Alliance inviting you to participate in the game. “It’s a phrasal template word game, commonly known as a Mad Lib,” they write on their website. “We will prompt you for a list of words, which we’ll then substitute for blanks in a story that we’ve created. Contestants will only be given the word prompts and will not be provided any other details or information about the story. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete an entry.”

You can make multiple $25 donations to have multiple entries for the contest. Full information can be learned on the HPA’s official website.

Equality FTW is the Harry Potter Alliance’s annual fundraiser which helps them launch campaigns to decrease world suck.