Bad news for fans of the Orson Scott Card sci-fi novel – the film adaptation is now due to be released in theaters eight months later than originally planned!

The Gavin Hood-helmed film was originally set to be released on March 15, 2013, but according to The Hollywood Reporter that date has now been moved back nearly eight months to November 1, 2013. Interestingly, the move in release date separates Ender’s Game from Catching Fire by just three weeks! Ender’s Game is a Summit production, while Catching Fire will be made by parent company Lionsgate. This is a very strange move, as it practically pits a possible franchise against what will likely be the studios biggest film of the year.

It’s bad news for fans of the series, but could be a good omen for film fans – eight whole months will give the filmmakers ample time to perfect the final product.

Ender’s Game is currently shooting in Louisiana, starring Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford and Viola Davis.

Are you disappointed by the news, or optimistic about the positive effects of a more relaxed deadline? Could the move in release date be a signal that Catching Fire will also be moving release date?