A chill-worthy, final Ender’s Game trailer debuted today on Apple and focuses on the special abilities of Ender.

The character, played by Asa Butterfield, gets to show off his battle skills and special abilities to an impressed supporting cast including Harrison Ford (Colonel Hyrum Graff), Viola Davis (Major Gwen Anderson), and Ben Kingsley (Mazer Rackham).

The trailer features some of the Battle School footage that was shown exclusively at Comic-Con. Once again, Harrison Ford explains that Ender is the last hope for humanity against the alien forces, although all may not be exactly as it seems.

Butterfield’s talents as a lead actor are very apparent in this final Ender’s Game trailer because we see his character take control.

Fans of the book will remember the shocking reveal at the climax of the story – but it looks like the filmmakers have decided to hint at the huge twist throughout the film. This is a major change from Orson Scott Card’s novel, particularly as that reveal is crucial to Ender’s character development.

Will Ender’s Game have the same impact if audiences are not blindsided, the way readers of the book were? Most importantly, how will it change our perceptions of the characters, if we know what they are really up to?

The final Ender’s Game poster, released late last week, depicts a confident hero ready for battle.

In an online promotional event, the movie is hosting fan battles on IF-BattleSchool.com. “Share your International Fleet army badge on Facebook or Twitter to help your army unlock an exclusive preview of the final trailer,” writes the studio.

You can get your army badge and take the Strategic Aptitude Test at IF-BattleSchool.com.

Battles will be hosted leading up to the film’s November 1 premiere. Winners will gain access to exclusive material.

Ender’s Game opens in theaters November 1.