Congratulations! If you’re reading this the world didn’t end today, as was predicted by the Mayans long, long ago! We know you love your TV shows and movies, so we had to pose the question: if the world ended today what would you want the last TV show or movie you ever watched to be?

If the world ended today and you could pick only one TV show or movie to pop in to the DVD player (or file to play for all of you on your iPads), what would it be and why?

For me, if I had to choose one movie to watch as the sky turned in to a firey apocalyptic inferno it would probably have to be Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion. No matter what is going on in my life or in the world that movie always has a way of picking me up and putting me in a good mood. We all have TV shows or movies like that, don’t we? I would much rather be laughing and enjoying a good comedy when an asteroid hits my home than something like a drama or a horror movie!

So what would yours be and why? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below! And congratulations on making it through alive on December 21, 2012!